วันอังคารที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of Warm Mist Humidifier and Cool Mist Humidifier

SPT SU-4010 Ultrasonic Dual-Mist Warm/Cool Humidifier with Ion Exchange FilterWhen you compare the benefits of a Warm Mist Humidifier and Cool Mist Humidifier benefits there are many things to consider. The most important parameter is the type helps you breathe more easily your personal situation. Often, people with asthma or other respiratory problems should install a humidifier at home to help them breathe properly. In such a situation, you should ask your doctor for a recommendation before making your purchase.

However, there are many other reasons for installing a humidifier. A Cool Mist Humidifier is particularly useful in areas where the air is hot and dry. The lack of humidity can be very harmful to the skin and can make breathing difficult at times. If the air is too dry can cause wood furniture or tools to break. Your home may also be alive with static electricity, and while there is a dangerous problem, it is certainly unpleasant to live. On the other hand, the high humidity (over 55%) can lead to mold growth on walls and cabinets and condensation inside the window, mirrors and other hard surfaces.

Vicks 1.0 Gallon Cool Mist HumidifierThere are three types of Cool Mist Humidifier, smoke, impeller and ultrasonic humidifiers, the type of evaporation is the most common, and then usually the least expensive of the three. Evaporative humidifiers absorb water on a wick, and then a fan blows moist air into the room. Impeller humidifiers use high-speed disk rotates continuously from the water tank with a diffuser, which occurs in the water down into tiny droplets released into the air as a fine mist. Ultrasonic humidifiers use high frequency sound waves to vibrate a metal diaphragm that breaks the water down in a cool micro-fine mist released into the air like fog, with a small quiet fan. Impeller and ultrasonic humidifiers are often quieter than evaporative humidifiers, but they are often more expensive. Of course, the price will depend on the size of the humidifier and any additional features they may have.

Hot steam humidifiers actually boil the water, with consequent release of hot steam into the air. Although this may be more useful for those suffering from asthma, many people prefer to expel the vapors cool end of a cool mist humidifier from the hot steam is released from a Warm Mist Humidifier. When deciding the type of humidifier that fits your home, you should compare the benefits of a Warm Mist Humidifier and Cool Mist Humidifier and benefits and choose accordingly.

